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Spring has arrived and the heat of the Rockwood, TN summer isn’t far behind. If your AC system is getting old or you don’t have a system, you might be looking into getting a new system. One of the most important aspects of choosing a new HVAC system is the SEER rating, which is simple in concept but not well understood by many buyers.

What Is a SEER Rating?

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio or SEER rating of an HVAC system is a measurement of its overall efficiency. In other words, how much energy does it use to treat the air of a certain amount of space a certain number of degrees? The higher the SEER rating, the less it’ll cost to run that system in your home.

What SEER Means to You

When you shop for a new HVAC system, the SEER rating will be prominently displayed and is your best guide in making your selection. SEER ratings average in the middle teens but can go as high as the mid-20s. The higher the SEER rating, the less money you’ll spend running it over the following years and the more efficiently it’ll treat the air in your home.

Weighing Options

Part of picking out a new HVAC system is getting your home load tested and inspected to find out exactly what you need. Once you know, the options continue with the selection of the SEER rating of your new system. New systems are now much more economical to run than old systems.

Your job is to decide how the higher cost of a better SEER rating now will pay off down the road. Whether you’re thinking of selling in the near future or keeping your home for decades, a better rating will deliver. Along with a history of proper system maintenance, a high rating can make your home more desirable than otherwise equal homes and speed up the selling process, or it can do wonders for your energy bills over the following decades of use.

Call us at Action Heating & Cooling, Inc. today to get your new system installed anywhere in the Rockwood, TN, area. Our HVAC experts can guide you through the purchase process and get your new system installed properly in no time.

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